
Divorce And Health Implications

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

Did you know that divorce is known as the 2nd most traumatic life event after the death of a loved one? So, it’s no surprise that a relationship breakdown will have a ripple effect across your whole life, including your work, parenting and friendships and also your health.  During a divorce you will have to […]


How To Cope When You’re In A Loveless Marriage

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

“I just don’t think he loves me anymore” Sarah confided during one of our coaching sessions. “I try to make him happy and yet it all seems to go totally unrecognised. He takes me for granted. I can’t remember the last time he did something for me or made me feel special”. Sarah has been […]


How To Cope At Christmas If Your Parents Are Newly Divorced

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

Your parents’ breakup can hit home especially hard over the festive season as Christmas is traditionally a family time. You will have to navigate a minefield of difficult decisions including who you visit for Christmas lunch, how you avoid upsetting either of them and whether spending time with new partners is going to cause arguments.  […]


Spring Clean Your Life After A Breakup

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

If you have decided that you are getting a divorce and are going through the process it can be all consuming. The legal paperwork can take over your life and the emotional rollercoaster can take every ounce of your strength as you flip from feeling good about the break-up to feeling devastated in a heartbeat. […]


How To Cope With Divorce When You Are Self-Employed

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

Janet is one of my clients. She ran her own online gift business from home which she only started as a hobby a year ago, but it quickly took off. Whilst it was time intensive and meant working long hours, it also paid a lot of the family bills. She had been married to Tom […]


How To Sustain A Healthy and happy relationship

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

I always find it fascinating that most of us work so hard at the beginning of a relationship to make it work. We always go the extra mile and always show the best side of ourselves. Yet as the relationship becomes more established it’s easy to settle and not try too hard. We stop working […]


How To Divorce Well

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

WARNING: It is NOT easy to have a good divorce – but it is possible. There is a good reason that it is known as the 2nd most traumatic experience in life after the death of a loved one. It is an emotional rollercoaster and has a huge ripple effect across your entire world. It […]


How To Enjoy A Single Christmas

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

Christmas is by far one of the toughest times after a breakup or divorce because it is traditionally a time for families and loved ones to come together. So it is normal that it heightens the feelings of loneliness and highlights the fact that you are single and no longer with your ex. It can […]


Tips To Deal With Heartbreak

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

Let’s face it, breakups send us off on an emotional rollercoaster at the best of times and are always extremely tough to deal with. But please don’t worry as you are not alone and it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed right now. Here are some of my top tips to help you feel stronger […]


Expert Tips To Get Your Relationship Back On Track

January 18, 2024 | | Sara Davison

So where do you even begin when it comes to getting your relationship back on track? My top tips are: These steps won’t always be the easy option and sometimes you may feel like throwing in the towel and walking away. Bear in mind nothing worth having ever comes easily and a good relationship needs […]