Let’s face it, breakups send us off on an emotional rollercoaster at the best of times and are always extremely tough to deal with. But please don’t worry as you are not alone and it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed right now. Here are some of my top tips to help you feel stronger and more in control.
- Connect with people who make you feel loved and supported every day. It’s important to stay in touch with those who make you feel good about yourself.
- To prevent your mind from romanticising only the good times with your ex that you are missing, write a list of all the things you didn’t like about your relationship. Read this when you are feeling low as it is a great way to rebalance your mind.
- Detox your life. Now is a great time to have a good think about the things you want to keep in your world and do more of as well. Are there some people you want to connect more often with? Also decide what and who you want to let go off and the things you want to stop doing. This is your chance to spring clean your life just the way you want it and start putting it into action.
- Write your Breakup Bucket List of everything you want to do when lockdown is over to give you a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Where do you want to visit? Who are you going to spend time with? What new skills do you want to learn by then?
- Keep yourself busy by getting those jobs done around the home. Write a list of things you want to get done and start ticking them off. A sense of accomplishment can give you a real boost.
- Move your body! Did you know that even 5 star jumps can change how you feel in a heartbeat? It’s true. Try it and see. Some form of exercise will really help boost your mood so try out an online Zumba class or go for a brisk walk.
- Do something kind. Helping others is rewarding and can give you a different perspective on your situation too. Reaching out to help somebody right now is a great antidote to feeling low.
- Smile more. Even if you don’t feel like it, it will instantly make you feel better, even if just a little bit!
By using this time wisely you can start setting your life up to feel happier now!