I was devastated. I hadn’t seen my breakup coming and it hit me like a freight train. I was in shock, numb, unable to function and do the most simple tasks, let alone run the business I had with my ‘soon to be ex’ husband.
I had never known a feeling like it. I had no physical injuries yet waves of excruciating pain surged through my body. Heartbreak, betrayal, confusion, devastation. It was unlike anything else I had experienced.
At this point in my life I had been life and business coaching for 15 years so I knew that I could turn this around, but I had no idea how. I searched the internet to find some help. I was looking for ways to cope. Ways for me to get my control back over this rollercoaster of emotions so I could start to function again. I googled “how to be a single mum” and “how do I cope when my husband is in love with someone else”. I couldn’t find anything to take the hurt away … so this is where the idea for my business started to grow.
I decided I had to help myself so I combined my coaching skills with what I was learning from the divorce process and I created a tool kit of techniques and strategies that would help me take back control, navigate the divorce and see a light at the end of the tunnel. I tried and tested various ideas until I found a programme that worked for me.
It was my lawyer who commented on how well I was coping and asked me if I would speak with some of her other clients. I soon realised that the tools I had created could help anyone going through a breakup.
I knew there was a big gap in the market for the tools I had created. Also the potential market was huge as everyone goes through a breakup at some point in their life. At least one but most likely several! There was also a global demand for this service so I was excited to see the potential.
It made instant sense to me to specialise in this area and become The Divorce Coach. I had the essential ingredients for an entrepreneur starting out– I was passionate about the topic, I had walked in those shoes, I had a vast tool kit of proven methods and I really wanted to find flip this traumatic experience into one that could help others. Ever since I set up my first business at 21 years old my mission statement was to make a positive difference to others and this new coaching business was fully aligned with this purpose.
I believe the key ingredients to creating a successful business that you love are:
- You are passionate about it – you will be working long hours for many years so it has to come from your heart
- You are an expert in your field – you can inspire others with your experience if you are able to talk with in depth knowledge and understanding.
- Your purpose in life is aligned with your business mission
- There is a demand for your product and services
- You have the solutions your clients are looking for to solve their problem
I will never forget my accountant asking me for the name of my business and I said “Sara Davison Global Enterprises Ltd”. He laughed and pointed out that it was just me from my home office in Ascot! However I believe you have to dream big and set yourself goals to achieve. And now I have grown a global coaching brand with clients all over the world.
So how did I grow a global brand from the initial startup business? Well my business advice would be:
- Create a strong brand that stands out from the crowd and explains clearly what you do – a confused mind never buys so make sure it makes sense quickly to potential clients. A powerful brand is one that truly reflects you and what you offer. Then it has to flow through everything you do so your brand is easily recognisable.
- Work hard – there is no other way. You have to put in the hours which is why it’s essential to be passionate about what you are doing
- Don’t be afraid to start at the bottom – I began writing for free for anyone who would take my articles and worked my way up to mainstream media. These things can take time so keep going and don’t give up.
- Identify your ideal clients early on and focus your budget on marketing to them – Split test your marketing ideas to see which works best and track your results. This enables you to drop what isn’t working quickly and switch that investment into what produces results
- Learn from your mistakes – anyone who is successful has failed many times along the way to the top. The key is to see failures as learning opportunities and bank the lessons so you don’t have to learn them again!
- Identify additional revenue streams for your business – Plan them and execute them one at a time. As the founder of your business you may have lots of ideas but you have to action them to make them a reality. Long lasting progress is made by ticking them off one at a time than a scattergun approach in haste to grow quickly
I created a brand which reflected my personality and business objectives and ensured it shines through in all my marketing and products. Whilst coaching clients 1-2-1 was my first product I quickly expanded my range so I had something for everyone and every budget:
- Two best selling books
- Free breakup advice guides
- Live 2 Day Breakup Recovery Retreats
- Virtual 6 week Heartbreak to Happiness Retreats
- Online video programmes
- Breakup and Divorce Coach Practitioner Accreditation Programme
- Podcast Heartbreak to Happiness
One piece of business advice that I value above all else is
“Be yourself and don’t compare yourself to others”.
You have your best chance of business success if you are true to yourself and let your own personality and strengths shine through. When you have the confidence to embrace that you can do this then you will really start to shine. Dream big and go for it!