
How HR Can Best Support Employees Going Through Divorce

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison


September Breakup Season

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison

September is now well-established as a seasonal spike for breakups, second-only to January when we have ‘National Divorce Day’. The correlation between the two is that they follow a long holiday period, when couples spend more time together without the distraction of daily routine, work and school runs. This provides time for reflection and finances […]


Top 5 Devastating Heartbreak Effects On Your Body

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison

“It actually feels like a real physical pain in my chest… I’m in agony and I can’t do anything apart from cry. I don’t think I will ever feel happy again” sobbed Hannah, a new client on my clinic sofa last week. Her boyfriend of three years had announced over dinner that he had fallen […]


Navigating Breakup And Divorce In The Best Possible Way

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison

They say familiarity breeds contempt and the pandemic certainly provided the perfect storm to put this age-old adage to the test. It’s perhaps unsurprising that the collateral damage of lockdown saw a record spike in divorce inquiries around the world with leading British law firm, Stewarts, logging a 136% increase in June 2021 as lockdown […]


Dating In Later Life

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison

My advice is always just to be yourself. Allow your true self to shine through by showing your different interests – ideally through images which bring them to life. Dial up the fun aspects of your personality with action shots, from playing a guitar, to cooking, travelling or sailing. The best relationships are built on […]


How To Consciously Recouple

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison

Family lawyers are once again preparing for what they predict will be a ‘spike’ in divorce filings as more relationships are expected to hit the rocks in January. January is well established as the landmark month for divorce filings to spike, with the first full working day now coined as ‘D Day’. Divorce tends to […]


How Travel Might Cure a Broken Heart

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison

Heartbreak is like an emotional life quake. It rocks the strongest of us and can feel like a real physical pain. We are essentially giving up an addiction to our partner which will mean we feel an acute sense of loss of connection and also the novelty and sparkle they brought to our life. To […]


Why it is important to know how to handle text messages when divorcing someone

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison

It is very easy to misunderstand text messages. This is because only 7% of meaning is communicated through the written words. 38% is through tone of voice and 55% is through body language which is completely missing in a text message. So this can lead to your ex taking away a meaning you had no intention […]


Rebuilding self-reliance to boost your confidence

January 17, 2024 | | Sara Davison


How To: Cope With Heartbreak

January 16, 2024 | | Sara Davison